# This file is part of the Open Data Cube, see https://opendatacube.org for more information
# Copyright (c) 2015-2020 ODC Contributors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
from typing import Any, Iterable, Optional, Tuple, Union
import numpy as np
import rasterio.warp
from affine import Affine
from .gcp import GCPGeoBox
from .geobox import GeoBox
from .types import wh_
# pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-many-arguments
Resampling = Union[str, int, rasterio.warp.Resampling]
Nodata = Optional[Union[int, float]]
_WRP_CRS = "epsg:3857"
def resampling_s2rio(name: str) -> rasterio.warp.Resampling:
Convert from string to rasterio.warp.Resampling enum, raises ValueError on bad input.
return getattr(rasterio.warp.Resampling, name.lower())
except AttributeError:
raise ValueError(f"Bad resampling parameter: {name}") from None
def is_resampling_nn(resampling: Resampling) -> bool:
:returns: True if resampling mode is nearest neighbour
:returns: False otherwise
if isinstance(resampling, str):
return resampling.lower() == "nearest"
return resampling == rasterio.warp.Resampling.nearest
def warp_affine_rio(
src: np.ndarray,
dst: np.ndarray,
A: Affine,
resampling: Resampling,
src_nodata: Nodata = None,
dst_nodata: Nodata = None,
) -> np.ndarray:
Perform Affine warp using rasterio as backend library.
:param src: image as ndarray
:param dst: image as ndarray
:param A: Affine transform, maps from dst_coords to src_coords
:param resampling: str|rasterio.warp.Resampling resampling strategy
:param src_nodata: Value representing "no data" in the source image
:param dst_nodata: Value to represent "no data" in the destination image
:param kwargs: any other args to pass to ``rasterio.warp.reproject``
:returns: dst
assert src.ndim == dst.ndim
assert src.ndim == 2
sh, sw = src.shape
dh, dw = dst.shape
s_gbox = GeoBox(wh_(sw, sh), Affine.identity(), _WRP_CRS)
d_gbox = GeoBox(wh_(dw, dh), A, _WRP_CRS)
return _rio_reproject(
src, dst, s_gbox, d_gbox, resampling, src_nodata, dst_nodata, **kwargs
def warp_affine(
src: np.ndarray,
dst: np.ndarray,
A: Affine,
resampling: Resampling,
src_nodata: Nodata = None,
dst_nodata: Nodata = None,
) -> np.ndarray:
Perform Affine warp using best available backend (GDAL via rasterio is the only one so far).
:param src: image as ndarray
:param dst: image as ndarray
:param A: Affine transformm, maps from dst_coords to src_coords
:param resampling: str resampling strategy
:param src_nodata: Value representing "no data" in the source image
:param dst_nodata: Value to represent "no data" in the destination image
:param kwargs: any other args to pass to implementation
:returns: dst
return warp_affine_rio(
src, dst, A, resampling, src_nodata=src_nodata, dst_nodata=dst_nodata, **kwargs
def rio_reproject(
src: np.ndarray,
dst: np.ndarray,
s_gbox: Union[GeoBox, GCPGeoBox],
d_gbox: GeoBox,
resampling: Resampling,
src_nodata: Nodata = None,
dst_nodata: Nodata = None,
ydim: Optional[int] = None,
) -> np.ndarray:
Perform reproject from ndarray->ndarray using rasterio as backend library.
:param src: image as ndarray
:param dst: image as ndarray
:param s_gbox: GeoBox of source image
:param d_gbox: GeoBox of destination image
:param resampling: str|rasterio.warp.Resampling resampling strategy
:param src_nodata: Value representing "no data" in the source image
:param dst_nodata: Value to represent "no data" in the destination image
:param ydim: Which dimension is y-axis, next one must be x
:param kwargs: any other args to pass to ``rasterio.warp.reproject``
:returns: dst
assert src.ndim == dst.ndim
if dst_nodata is None:
if dst.dtype.kind == "f":
dst_nodata = np.nan
if src.ndim == 2:
return _rio_reproject(
src, dst, s_gbox, d_gbox, resampling, src_nodata, dst_nodata, **kwargs
if ydim is None:
# Assume last two dimensions are Y/X
ydim = src.ndim - 2
extra_dims = (*src.shape[:ydim], *src.shape[ydim + 2 :])
# Selects each 2d plane in [...]YX[B] array
slices: Iterable[Any] = (
(*idx[:ydim], slice(None), slice(None), *idx[ydim:])
for idx in np.ndindex(*extra_dims)
for roi in slices:
return dst
def _rio_reproject(
src: np.ndarray,
dst: np.ndarray,
s_gbox: Union[GCPGeoBox, GeoBox],
d_gbox: GeoBox,
resampling: Resampling,
src_nodata: Nodata = None,
dst_nodata: Nodata = None,
) -> np.ndarray:
assert src.ndim == dst.ndim
assert src.ndim == 2
if "XSCALE" not in kwargs and "YSCALE" not in kwargs:
# Work around for issue in GDAL
# https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/issues/7750
# Force GDAL into performing bilinear,cubic,lanczos with raidius=1px.
# GDAL is trying to be smart and pick sampling radius based on scale
# change, but does it without consideration for rotational component
# of the transform, leading to blury output in some situations
# See also:
# https://github.com/opendatacube/datacube-core/issues/1448
kwargs.update(XSCALE=1, YSCALE=1)
dtype_remap = {"int8": "int16", "bool": "uint8"}
def _alias_or_convert(arr: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, bool]:
if arr.dtype.name not in dtype_remap:
return arr, False
wk_dtype = dtype_remap[arr.dtype.name]
if arr.dtype.name == "bool":
F, T = (np.array(v, dtype=wk_dtype) for v in [0, 255])
return np.where(arr, T, F), True
return arr.astype(wk_dtype), False
if isinstance(resampling, str):
resampling = resampling_s2rio(resampling)
src_transform = None
gcps = None
if isinstance(s_gbox, GCPGeoBox):
gcps = s_gbox.gcps()
src_transform = s_gbox.transform
# GDAL support for int8 is patchy, warp doesn't support it, so we need to convert to int16
src, src_is_bool = _alias_or_convert(src)
_dst, _ = _alias_or_convert(dst)
if dst is not _dst:
# int8 workaround copy pixels back to int8
if src_is_bool:
# undo [0, 1] to [0, 255] stretching of the src
np.copyto(dst, _dst > 127, casting="unsafe")
np.copyto(dst, _dst, casting="unsafe")
return dst